My Weekend
In the weekend my family and I went to Krispy Kremes for the first time. Krispy Kremes is
an american doughnut company where they sell the most delicious doughnuts and the best
milkshakes i've ever tasted. We decided to go through the express isle because we didn't want
to wait long and going through the express isle let us get our doughnuts faster. After we got our
doughnuts we went to the beach to eat our doughnuts. My favourite doughnut was the powdered
jam doughnut and the oreo glaze doughnut. Finally we finished the doughnuts and we decided
to go for a walk on the beach. We ended up walking for 2 hours because my brother wanted to
see the goats that apparently lived up on the hill. Turns out there were no goats on the hill and
we walked all that way for nothing. It was all worth it though because we probably ended up
burning off all those doughnuts during our walk in the heat. Krispy Kremes is located in Manukau
if you want to go. Their doughnuts are pretty good.
an american doughnut company where they sell the most delicious doughnuts and the best
milkshakes i've ever tasted. We decided to go through the express isle because we didn't want
to wait long and going through the express isle let us get our doughnuts faster. After we got our
doughnuts we went to the beach to eat our doughnuts. My favourite doughnut was the powdered
jam doughnut and the oreo glaze doughnut. Finally we finished the doughnuts and we decided
to go for a walk on the beach. We ended up walking for 2 hours because my brother wanted to
see the goats that apparently lived up on the hill. Turns out there were no goats on the hill and
we walked all that way for nothing. It was all worth it though because we probably ended up
burning off all those doughnuts during our walk in the heat. Krispy Kremes is located in Manukau
if you want to go. Their doughnuts are pretty good.